Monday, February 7, 2011

Homemade Poptarts

These were quick and easy!
3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup melted butter
1 cup plain yogurt
Your favorite flavor of organic jam/jelly

Mix ingredients just until dough is workable. Roll out floured surface to desired thickness.

Cut into any size or shape you want. I did the usual squares and used a veggie slicer to make the edges pretty. You can also press a fork all along the edges to seal together. Put a dollop of jelly in the center of your poptart then cover with a piece of dough that is a similar size. Press edges together. I sprinkled a little sugar on top but you could also cover these with icing when they have cooled.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 - 35 minutes. Let cool on cooling rack.

Enjoy with a tall glass of cold almond milk.

UPDATE... Decided to glaze them. Hubby has a very sweet tooth.


Kyle, Kerrie, Devyn (13), Corbin (10), Landon (6 said...

Hi there, my son is obsessed with pop tarts and I never let him eat them because they are so unhealthy! I would love to try this recipe! What did you use for your glaze? thanks

Kyle, Kerrie, Devyn (13), Corbin (10), Landon (6 said...

Hi there, my son is obsessed with pop tarts and I never let him eat them because they are so unhealthy! I would love to try this recipe! What did you use for your glaze? thanks